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7 Effective Email Templates to Keep Your Manager in the Loop

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7 Effective Email Templates to Keep Your Manager in the Loop

Sep 19, 2024
4 min read

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Ever find yourself scrambling to remember all the great things you did at work when performance review time rolls around? It’s like trying to recall what you had for breakfast three months ago! 

Keeping your manager in loop with your work via regular emails is one of the ways to beat this stress.

Not only does it help your manager stay on top of your achievements, but it also ensures that your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Think of it as your personal highlight reel, showcasing your contributions and progress.

Plus, it sets you up for success when appraisal time comes. Regular updates mean fewer surprises and a clear track record of your efforts. In this article, we will take a look at seven templates that can help you share your updates efficiently.

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Why is it Important to Share Updates with Your Manager Regularly

Keeping your manager in the loop with regular updates isn’t just about ticking a box—it’s about fostering transparency and building a strong working relationship. Here’s why it matters:

1. Ensures Alignment: Regular updates keep you and your manager on the same page regarding your goals and progress.

2. Boosts Visibility: Highlighting your accomplishments ensures that your efforts are recognized.

3. Facilitates Feedback: It provides a platform for your manager to give timely feedback, helping you improve continuously.

4. Supports Performance Reviews: A consistent record of your achievements can be invaluable during performance appraisals.

5. Builds Trust: Transparent communication builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to your role.

7 Templates to Share Updates with Your Manager

Staying in touch with your manager through regular updates can make a world of difference in your professional life. These updates need to be clean, without any unnecessary content that takes away from the metrics and tasks you are trying to share. Here are seven templates to help you send those updates effectively:

1. Weekly Progress Update

When you’re wrapping up your week, it’s a great idea to summarize what you’ve accomplished. This keeps your manager informed about your progress and any roadblocks you might be facing. Use this template to keep things concise and clear.

2. Monthly Performance Summary

Monthly summaries are a fantastic way to provide a detailed overview of your performance and set the stage for the next month’s goals. This template helps you highlight your achievements and keep your manager in the loop.

3. Project Milestone Update

Reaching a significant milestone in a project is a great opportunity to update your manager. This keeps them aware of your progress and any upcoming steps. Use this template to mark those important moments.

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4. Quarterly Achievements Overview

Quarterly updates are perfect for providing a comprehensive overview of your major achievements. This helps align future goals and set expectations for the next quarter.

5. After-Meeting Follow-Up

After important meetings, it’s crucial to recap the discussions and outline the next steps. This template ensures everyone is on the same page and helps in maintaining momentum.

6. Customer Service Update

If you’re part of the customer service team, regular updates on metrics and highlights can help your manager see the impact of your work. This template provides a structured way to share these insights.

7. Finance Team Update

For those in the finance team, keeping your manager informed about financial performance and key metrics is essential. This template helps you communicate these updates effectively.


Regularly updating your manager with clear, concise emails can significantly enhance your professional journey. Not only does it keep your accomplishments visible, but it also fosters a transparent and productive working relationship. 

Remember, these updates are your chance to shine and ensure that your hard work is acknowledged. Keep the communication flowing, and you’ll find it easier to navigate performance reviews and appraisals with confidence. 

An engineer turned B2B marketer, Siddharthyka creates research-driven, actionable content for professionals from various backgrounds, such as customer success, IT, and finance. She also collaborates with industry experts to create insightful campaigns and content for readers. When away from her work desk, she can be found reading about the cosmos or picking a new coffee roast to try.

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