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Product Updates
Hiver updates: Less noise. More Focus

Hiver updates: Less noise. More Focus

Oct 03, 2023
2 min read

Turn Gmail into a collaborative hub

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Table of contents

We’re back with the next set of updates from the Hive and this one is all about focus! Here’s what’s new:

  • An upgraded notifications panel that’s easy to consume 👀
  • A powerful analytics export to drive all your external reporting needs 📊
  • An all-new Overdue view to help you track critical conversations ⚠️
  • Oh, and let’s not forget — a brand new look inside Gmail! ✨

Notifications panel upgrade

We understand that the notifications panel can double up as a command center for your tasks. So we’ve made it a lot easier to consume and act on the notifications. You’ll now see a reminder for all pending unread notifications. We’ve also introduced the ability to mark read notifications as unread to act upon later. All notifications related to notes have got a new look as well so that you can visually discern them from other notifications.

Notifications panel upgrade

Notifications panel upgrade

A powerful analytics export to power your external reporting needs

We’ve given the Hiver analytics export an upgrade. With filters and 10 new data points, it should now be a breeze for you to build your own reports suited to your needs. You can create a response time report for your high-value customers, or report on your customer satisfaction (CSAT),and even build a list of aging conversations. The coolest part — you can even schedule your exports in advance on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis according to your reporting needs. Learn more about exports

Powerful analytics export

Powerful analytics export

All new Overdue view to help you track your critical conversations

Views were launched a while back to make it easier to stay on top of the conversations in your mailbox. We’ve now introduced the Overdue view to help you track all conversations that have violated the SLA policies you’ve set up for your shared mailbox. Additionally, Supervisors and Mailbox Admins can now create shared views as well.

All new Overdue view

All new Overdue view

Hiver’s brand new look inside Gmail (drumroll please?)

We’ve upgraded Hiver with a swanky new look! We’ve added support for Gmail dark themes and made your email experience more fluid. Notes now have a distinct identity and are easier for you to identify. Lastly, we’ve introduced elements of fun throughout the product, so holler at us if you spot them ;). Read more about this.

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