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11 effective sales email templates you must try

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11 effective sales email templates you must try

Sep 19, 2024
8 min read

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Sales is tough—everyone knows it. Reaching out to prospects and then ensuring they stick around long enough to buy your product is no easy feat. Not to forget the steep targets, the pressure to add to business revenue, and the relentless need to keep the sales pipeline full.

Even today, a lot of sales outreach is done via email. An email can make or break the opportunity to increase the company’s revenue. This makes it essential to write something that stands out in your prospect’s inbox— which might already be overflowing with your competitors’ emails.

In this guide, we will discuss eleven effective sales email templates that are sure to make your prospects hit the reply button.

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Why Sales Email Templates Are Essential

Sales email templates aren’t just time-savers; they’re powerful tools that ensure consistency, professionalism, and effectiveness across all your outreach efforts. Let’s face it, crafting a compelling email from scratch every time isn’t practical, especially when you have a quota to meet and a pipeline to manage.

Here’s why having effective sales email templates is crucial:

  • Saves Time and Effort: Imagine having to write a fresh email every time you reach out to a new lead. Templates allow you to focus on personalizing the important details rather than starting from scratch.
  • Ensures Consistency: Consistent messaging is key to brand identity. Templates help maintain a uniform voice and tone across your sales team. Whether it’s your top performer or a newbie, a good sales template ensures that your company’s values are consistently communicated.
  • Improves Success Rates: Well-crafted templates are based on strategies that have proven successful over time, increasing your chances of engaging the prospect. You can always improve/tweak your sales email templates depending on the responses you receive over time.

11 Must-Try Sales Email Templates

When it comes to sales, one size doesn’t fit all. Each stage of the sales funnel requires a different approach, and that’s where having a variety of email templates comes in handy. Below are 11 essential sales email templates that every salesperson should have and try.

Template 1: Cold Outreach Email

When to Use This Template: Use this when you’re reaching out to a prospect for the first time.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Personalization is key. Use the prospect’s name, reference a common connection, or mention something specific about their company. If you are circling back after a while, you can use information from your previous interactions to make the emails more personal.
  • Industries vary in formality. For instance, tech startups might appreciate a more casual tone, while corporate finance firms might prefer a more formal approach.

Template 2: Follow-Up Email After No Response

When to Use This Template: Use this after you’ve sent an initial email but haven’t received a response.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Be polite but persistent. The goal is to follow up with the prospect on your offer without coming across as pushy.
  • Consider varying your subject line or providing new value to increase the chances of a reply. Do not make it very obviously salesy or generic—your prospect is certainly tired of those.

Template 3: Post-Meeting Follow-Up

When to Use This Template: After a successful meeting with a prospect.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Recap the key points discussed to reinforce understanding and agreement.
  • Use this opportunity to set the stage for the next steps, keeping the momentum going.

Template 4: Nurturing Warm Leads

When to Use This Template: When engaging a prospect who has shown some interest but isn’t ready to buy.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Focus on providing value and building a relationship rather than pushing for a sale.
  • Tailor the content to address the prospect’s specific needs or concerns.

Template 5: Re-engagement Email

When to Use This Template: When a lead has gone cold or hasn’t responded in a while.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Reconnect by offering new value or a different angle that might interest the prospect.
  • Acknowledge the gap in communication without making the prospect feel guilty.

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Template 6: Upselling or Cross-Selling Email

When to Use This Template: When proposing an additional product or service to an existing customer.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Highlight how the additional product/service complements what the customer already has.
  • Personalize the message to show that you’ve considered the customer’s unique needs. This means using the right information they have shared with you to make a case for the new product or service you are offering.

Template 7: Closing the Deal Email

When to Use This Template: When you’re ready to finalize the sale.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Do not beat around the bush. Be clear and direct, focusing on the benefits and urgency of finalizing the deal.
  • Tailor the message to address any final objections or concerns the prospect might have.

Template 8: Referral Request Email

When to Use This Template: When asking a satisfied customer for a referral.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Be gracious and make it easy for the customer to refer to you by providing all necessary details.
  • Highlight how referrals benefit both the customer and their contacts.

Template 9: Testimonial Request Email

When to Use This Template: When asking for a testimonial from a satisfied customer.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Be polite and express genuine appreciation for the customer’s time and feedback.
  • Offer guidance on what you’re looking for to make it easier for them to provide a testimonial.

Template 10: Customer Feedback Request

When to Use This Template: When seeking customer feedback on a product or service.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Make it clear that you value the customer’s opinion and that their feedback will help improve the product or service.
  • Consider offering an incentive, like a discount or entry into a giveaway, to encourage responses.

Template 11: Thank You Email After Purchase

When to Use This Template: After a customer has made a purchase.

What to Keep in Mind While Using This:

  • Express genuine gratitude and reinforce the customer’s decision to purchase.
  • Use this opportunity to provide additional value, like tips for getting the most out of the product.

Tips for Making The Most Out Of Sales Email Templates

Using sales email templates effectively requires more than just copying and pasting text. Here are some actionable tips to ensure your emails hit the mark:

  1. Personalization: Personalizing your emails helps you stand out and shows the recipient that you’ve taken the time to understand their needs. This is not just about using their first name; it means taking the time to understand their pain point. While the latter can differ from person to person, some things stay the same.

    For example, “Hi there/sir/ma’am” is impersonal and likely to be ignored. ❌
    “Hey [Prospect’s Name]” is personalized and more likely to engage the reader. ✅
  2. Timing: Sending emails at the right time can significantly increase your chances of getting a response. Understand your ICP’s (ideal customer profile) average sales cycles and active hours to ensure you reach out when they are most likely to respond to you.

    A common practice is sending emails on Tuesday mornings since they have higher open rates, so plan your outreach accordingly. Similarly, reaching out too close to the weekend could be a no-no for many industries. So try to experiment and take the time to make notes on what works the best.
  3. A/B Testing: Testing different versions of your emails helps you understand what resonates best with your audience. This way, you can also refine and perfect the sales email templates in this article and make them fit your prospects better.

    Try A/B testing subject lines to determine which leads to higher open rates. Note which tone works the best for you and build cadences based on these findings in the future. They are more likely to work for your prospects.

    Pro tip: Keep your subject lines between 30-50 characters long to ensure your recipient can read the entire subject line irrespective of the device they use.
  1. Avoiding Spam Filters: Ending up in the spam folder is a surefire way to decrease your email’s effectiveness. Moreover, it puts you and your business in a bad light before your prospects.

    Always avoid subject lines like “FREE Offer Just for YOU!!!”, which are spammy and likely to be filtered out. Consider something like “<First Name>, here’s something special for you,” which is personalized and less likely to be flagged.

Use sales email templates to create a solid pipeline

I’ve observed that clarity, creativity, and proactivity are the keys to building genuine connections with prospects. And it all starts with a well-crafted email. 

The templates and best practices shared in this blog are not just about getting your emails opened; they’re about opening doors to lasting relationships and successful deals. So, take these templates, personalize them, and make them your own. The next great sales opportunity could be just one email away.

An engineer turned B2B marketer, Siddharthyka creates research-driven, actionable content for professionals from various backgrounds, such as customer success, IT, and finance. She also collaborates with industry experts to create insightful campaigns and content for readers. When away from her work desk, she can be found reading about the cosmos or picking a new coffee roast to try.

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