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Hiver Guide: How to Create a Chatbot for Customer Service

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Hiver Guide: How to Create a Chatbot for Customer Service

Sep 30, 2024
8 min read

Table of contents

Imagine having a friendly assistant available 24/7, always ready to help with your questions, offer advice, or even just chat. That’s exactly what a chatbot is—a digital sidekick, designed to make your life easier and more connected. Whether you’re looking for instant answers, need support, or just want to have a conversation, chatbots are here to make sure you’re never alone in the digital world. 

The global chatbot market size and revenue were anticipated to surpass $106 million in 2022 and are forecasted to reach $454.8 million by 2027. A Cognizant report indicated that 69% of respondents prefer using chatbots when seeking instant responses, and the same percentage expressed that they are most likely to use chatbots for service-related inquiries.

Read on to discover how you can create a chatbot that not only enhances customer interactions but also streamlines your operations and drives growth.

Table of Contents

Understanding Chatbots

Chatbots are software applications designed to simulate human conversation through text or voice interactions. They use artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand user queries and provide relevant responses. Think of them as virtual assistants who can communicate with users in real time, offering help, answering questions, and performing various tasks.

Chatbots can range from simple, rule-based systems that follow predefined scripts to advanced AI-driven models that learn from interactions and improve over time. They are increasingly integrated into websites, apps, and messaging platforms to enhance user experience, automate repetitive tasks, and provide instant support. 

Whether you’re seeking quick information, troubleshooting issues, or just looking for a bit of friendly interaction, chatbots are here to make your digital experience smoother and more engaging.

Types of Chatbots

Now that we’ve got a handle on chatbots and why they’re so useful, let’s dive into the different kinds you might encounter.  

Just like people have different forms of communication, there are various types of chatbots, each designed to handle specific tasks in its way. Whether it’s guiding you through a menu or chatting with you in natural language, each type has its tricks and technology behind it.

#1 Menu-Based Chatbots

Menu-based chatbots guide users through a series of options presented in a menu format. They operate on the decision tree model where users select from a set of predefined choices, rather than typing free-form queries.

💡Best Suited: These chatbots work well in structured environments where interactions are predictable. They’re great for scenarios like booking appointments, navigating websites, or making reservations where the paths are straightforward.

👉Real World Example:  

Imagine a hotel booking chatbot that offers options like “Book a Room,” “Check Reservation,” or “Contact Support.” Users click on their choice to proceed with their request.

#2 Rule-Based Chatbots

Rule-based chatbots operate according to a set of predefined rules and patterns. They use if-then logic to determine responses, following a fixed script or decision tree to handle user interactions.

💡Best Suited: These are ideal for handling routine tasks and straightforward inquiries. They’re commonly used for customer service or FAQs where the interactions follow a predictable script.

👉Real World Example: A chatbot on a tech support website might guide users through troubleshooting steps by recognizing keywords like “Wi-Fi issue” and offering a step-by-step resolution based on a fixed set of instructions.

#3 Keyword-Based Chatbots

Keyword-based chatbots respond to specific words or phrases in user input. They operate on a pattern-matching system where responses are triggered based on predefined matching keywords or phrases.

💡Best Suited: These chatbots are useful for simple queries where users use specific terms. They’re often found in customer support or information retrieval where keywords can effectively direct the conversation.

👉Real World Example: An e-commerce chatbot that answers questions based on keywords such as “return policy” or “order status.” Typing “return policy” would bring up information about how to return items.

#4 AI-Powered Chatbots

AI-powered chatbots use artificial intelligence to understand and respond to user inputs. They leverage machine learning to adapt and improve their responses over time.

💡Best Suited: These chatbots are perfect for more complex interactions where understanding context and providing nuanced answers are essential. They’re widely used in customer support and virtual assistance.

👉Real World Example: A customer service chatbot that helps with different issues, from processing returns to answering detailed questions about products, by learning from previous interactions to provide more accurate assistance.

#5 Hybrid Chatbots

Hybrid chatbots blend rule-based and AI-powered approaches. They use fixed rules for simple queries and switch to AI for more complex interactions, offering a balance of efficiency and adaptability.

💡Best Suited:  These chatbots are ideal when you need a mix of structured guidance and intelligent conversation. They work well in environments where both straightforward and complex queries are expected.

👉Real World Example: A healthcare chatbot that handles basic questions like appointment scheduling through predefined rules but uses AI to provide more detailed health advice or answer complex medical inquiries.

#6 Voicebots

Voicebots interact with users through spoken language. They use speech recognition to understand voice commands and text-to-speech technology to respond verbally.

💡Best Suited:  Voicebots are great for situations where users prefer hands-free interaction. They’re commonly used in smart home devices, virtual assistants, and in-car systems.

👉Real World Example: Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, which lets users perform tasks like setting reminders, playing music, or controlling smart home devices just by speaking commands.

#7 NLP Chatbots

NLP (Natural Language Processing) chatbots use advanced techniques to understand and generate human-like responses. They interpret user input in a more nuanced and contextually aware manner.

💡Best Suited: These chatbots are suited for scenarios requiring a deep understanding of language. They excel in customer support, virtual assistance, and any situation where natural, fluid conversation is important.

👉Real World Example: A virtual assistant capable of understanding complex queries about travel plans or providing personalized recommendations, interpreting context and nuances to respond appropriately.

#8 Generative AI Chatbots

Generative AI chatbots use advanced models, like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer),to create responses dynamically. They generate text based on learned patterns from vast data sources.

💡Best Suited: These chatbots are ideal when you need highly flexible, contextually relevant interactions. They’re great for creative tasks, diverse conversations, and generating content.

👉Real World Example: ChatGPT, which can engage in a wide range of conversations, write essays, or generate creative content based on user input, providing responses that are fluid and contextually appropriate.

6 Steps to Creating Your Chatbot

Having explored the different types of chatbots, you’re ready to dive into building your own. Follow these 6 steps to seamlessly set up, customize, and launch a chatbot that enhances user interactions and meets your specific needs.

1️⃣ Planning For Your Chatbot

Creating a chatbot isn’t just about picking the right technology. When setting out to build a chatbot, it’s essential to start with a clear plan. This involves understanding the problem your chatbot will solve, who will interact with it, and what success will look like.  Here’s how to get started:

Defining the Purpose

The first step is to identify the problem your chatbot is meant to address. This will guide its design and functionality, ensuring it provides real value. Ask yourself:

  • What specific issue will the chatbot tackle? Are you aiming to handle customer questions, help users navigate a process, or offer personalized recommendations?
  • How will this chatbot improve users’ experiences? Consider how it will make their tasks easier or provide more efficient solutions.

Identifying the Target Audience

Next, think about who will be using your chatbot. Understanding your audience is key to designing a bot that speaks their language and meets their needs. Consider:

  • Who are your primary users? Are they customers, employees, students, or another group?
  • What are their needs and preferences? What common questions or issues do they have that the chatbot can address?
  • How do they prefer to communicate? Do they appreciate a formal tone or a more casual, conversational style?

Setting Goals

Finally, set specific goals for what you want your chatbot to accomplish. This helps you measure its success and ensure it’s delivering the desired results. Think about:

  • What outcomes are you aiming for? Are you looking to reduce response times, increase sales, or enhance user satisfaction?
  • How will you track success? Will you measure user feedback, monitor performance metrics, or evaluate how well the chatbot meets its set targets?

For example, you might aim to reduce customer support response times by 50% within six months. Or, if your goal is to boost sales, you could set a target to increase conversion rates by a certain percentage through effective product recommendations.

2️⃣ Designing Your Chatbot for Channels

When designing your chatbot, ensuring it fits well with how your customers interact with you is key. Think about where your customers usually reach out to you. 

  • Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Telegram?
  • Your Website: Via live chat widgets or contact forms?
  • Other Messaging Tools: Such as Slack or any other internal tools?

When choosing a chatbot platform, make sure it fits seamlessly with the tools you’re already using. Check if it integrates with your website platform, connects with your social media accounts, and supports other messaging tools to keep all customer conversations in sync. If the platform doesn’t offer built-in integrations, see if you can use code snippets or APIs, and take advantage of any customization options to make sure the chatbot works well across all your channels.

3️⃣ Selecting the Platform or Framework 

Choosing the right platform or framework for your chatbot is essential for achieving seamless integration and effective performance. Here’s a streamlined approach to help you make the best choice: 

Key Considerations for Choosing a Platform

  1. Ease of Use: Opt for platforms that are intuitive and user-friendly, especially if you don’t have extensive coding experience.
  2. Integration Capabilities: Ensure the platform can connect easily with your existing tools, such as CRM systems, social media channels, and other messaging platforms.
  3. Customization Options: Look for flexibility in designing interactions and responses to fit your specific needs.
  4. AI and NLP Capabilities: For an AI-powered chatbot, choose a platform with strong natural language processing features to ensure effective communication and interaction.
  5. Support and Documentation: Access to comprehensive support and clear documentation can significantly ease the development process.
  6. Cost: Evaluate the pricing structure to ensure it fits within your budget while meeting your functional requirements.

There are some great frameworks available in the market, however platforms like Hiver can make it simpler to deploy bots faster. With its intuitive interface, you can easily create a chatbot that matches your needs and your brand’s identity—all without any coding.

4️⃣ Building Your Bot

Building your chatbot is simpler than it sounds. Start by setting up your platform: sign in, create a new bot, and configure basic settings like language and time zone. Familiarize yourself with the platform’s tools and features to get a handle on where everything is.

Next, focus on programming your bot’s responses. Define what users might want (intents) and key information (entities). Create conversation flows using dialogue blocks, and test different scenarios to ensure your bot responds correctly.

Follow the platform’s integration steps and test your bot on each channel to ensure it works smoothly everywhere. With these steps, you’ll have a chatbot that’s ready to interact with users effectively.

5️⃣ Test and Refine

Once your chatbot is set up, it’s crucial to test and refine it to ensure it works smoothly. Start by conducting tests with different scenarios to see how well your bot handles various interactions. Try out common questions and edge cases to ensure the chatbot responds accurately and effectively.

Next, gather feedback from actual users. Ask them about their experience with the chatbot and if they encountered any issues or confusing responses. Use this feedback to identify areas where the chatbot can be improved. Making these adjustments will help enhance its performance and ensure it meets users’ needs effectively.

6️⃣ Ongoing Maintenance and Monitoring 

Keeping an eye on your chatbot’s performance is key to maintaining its effectiveness and improving user satisfaction. Start by tracking key metrics such as user engagement, response times, and completion rates. These metrics will give you insight into your chatbot’s performance.

Use analytics tools provided by your chatbot platform to dive deeper into interaction data. Look for patterns or common issues that may need addressing. Regularly review these analytics to spot trends and make data-driven decisions to enhance your chatbot’s performance.

Regular maintenance is essential to enhance bot performance. Start with routine updates to refresh content, tweak response flows, and add new features as needed. This ensures your bot stays current with changes in your business and continues to meet user needs effectively.

How Hiver Streamlines Your Chatbot Creation Process

Hiver Chatbots are no-code and can help you up your customer support game. Some of the key features Hiver offers are as follows: 

✅Automated Responses and Resolutions: Handle routine questions instantly, letting your team focus on more complex tasks.

✅24/7 Support: Keep the support lines open, ensuring your customers get help whenever they need it.

✅Chatbot to Agent Handoff: Effortlessly transfer more complicated issues to live agents, so your customers always receive the best possible assistance.

Setting up your Hiver Chatbot: 

Hiver’s Chatbot consists of three key modules: the Admin Module, the Agent Module, and the End User Module. Together, they ensure efficient operation and a smooth user experience.

The Hiver Chatbot Admin module facilitates the creation, customization, and management of chatbot flows for automating customer interactions on live chat channels. 

  1. Access the Admin Panel: Navigate to the Admin panel, select ‘Chatbots’ under ‘Improve team efficiency,’ and choose the chat inbox for your chatbot setup.
  2. Configure Your Bot: In the ‘Bot Configurations’ tab, give your bot a name. This name will be visible to users in the Live Chat widget, but you can update it anytime.
  3. Create a Chat Flow: Click on ‘Create new chat flow,’ name your chat flow, and set a starting event, such as when a user clicks on the chat bubble. Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
  4. Design the Flow: Use the chat flow builder to add and arrange various blocks according to your needs. Save your work once you’re satisfied with the setup.
  5. Activate Your Flow: Go to the ‘Chatflows’ tab and toggle your new chat flow to ‘active’ to make it live.

With these steps, you’ll have a functional chatbot that enhances customer interactions and supports your team effectively. 

The Final Word

Creating a chatbot is a game-changer for enhancing user interactions and streamlining operations. As you progress through planning, designing, and refining your bot, you’ll build a powerful tool that effectively meets your users’ needs. Continuous monitoring and regular updates will ensure your chatbot remains responsive and valuable over time.If you’re ready to take the next step, Hiver offers a streamlined approach to chatbot creation, making it easier to build and manage a bot that truly engages and supports your audience. Explore how Hiver can help you transform your customer experience and simplify your chatbot journey.

SaaS enthusiast who also happens to rap, play football, binge watch Nordic TV shows, and indulge in conversations about burgers and existentialism.

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